Beautiful Disaster

Short anecdotes carefully selected from past experience. The characters, places, objects, and events were not products of hallucination. Names, however, were changed by the author to 'you', 'he', 'she', 'it', or 'them'.

My Photo
Location: Malolos, Philippines

"Colors changing hue. Morning fields of amber grain. Weathered faces lined in pain are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand." I'd love to be the artist in your life. =)

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Recent Emotion

長い間 待たせてごめん
また急に 仕事が入った

逢えないとき 受話器からきこえる
君の声 がかすれてる
久しぶりに逢った時 の


笑顔だけは 忘れないように


Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Whatever tomorrow brings I'll be there

Parklane Hotel
February 6, 2005
Nothing. I just felt that it's been a while since I wrote something fun. And now, I'm starting the day by saying, what a wonderful yesterday it has been. It was like a dream. I can only write about the pieces I remember well.
Last night, there we were, sitting at the bar, talking about life. The room was sort of a videoke haven. Everyone's free to be heard. I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand. I know who I want to take me home and I'll never go far away from you. After a while, we decided to check out the live band at the club. Out of pressure and persuasion, I sang a few lines from the Incubus song, Drive, for the band. I was on the stage, I was lost, and my voice seemed to be far away. It was eerie. We danced 'til the wee hours of the morning. The sun was still snoozing when we headed back to the hotel.
The afternoon before that was quite eventful. We went in and out of the bus. The sun prickled our necks. The hours flew as we examined ruined cathedrals and landscapes.
Sims -- the first thing that came to my mind upon entering one of the hotel rooms, morning of yesterday. The place very much resembled a room the typical sim would have had when s/he was still poor. The most remarkable thing I and every one else noticed was the bathroom -- which was not a room at all. The sink, the toilet and the showering equipment were enveloped in a translucent glass which was approximately four and half feet tall. The showering equipment was separated by the same material for privacy -- but the problem is you can STILL see (like what you see when a sim uses the bathroom, but less blurry). And what did the designer say about all these? "It's a 20th century design!" Oh, fudge.
The day before yesterday was a day of friendship -- well, at least, for me. Since I knew not a single one of them, it was a great opportunity to mingle and meet new friends. Once inside the bus, it's easy. And so the journey with my newfound friends began. We talked, smiled, laughed, sighed and slept together (oh no, it's not what you think :)). We had fun 'til the wee hours of the morning. The sun woke up when we finally reached our destination.
Nothing. I woke up, with no expectations of the days ahead. I started to pack my thoughts and my things. I'm ready.
Whew! Kewl Field Trip.
I'll Miss You Vigan!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Fire and Fleeting Glances

What are you looking at?” said I to myself. You seemed to answer my subliminal thoughts with more fleeting glances. A fire glowed in your eyes. I was a bit timid, and pretended not to see.
Then you smiled. A surge of warmth thawed the ice between us. The distance shortened. I have mistaken you for an old friend. Indeed, I was wrong. You weren’t. One thing was certain though; you were a stranger no more. I felt like I knew you. I guess you were the friend I never had. After a while, we exchanged farewells and went on separate ways.
Now, I’m walking along the same path, but the faces are different - unfriendly and unfamiliar. I stopped; while everyone else went on with their everyday lives.
I smiled. I wanted to see that flame again.